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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How to Stop Staring at a Girl's Boobs

Impress a girl blogspot

Have you ever been in class, or perhaps at a party and out of the corner of your eye you notice a beautiful girl with large boobs? You gather up your courage to go talk to her but you can't keep your eyes off her boobs, what do you do WHAT DO YOU DO! Calm down this will help you to get your eyes off the prize. Impress a girl blogspot series will explain you various tips and tricks to be followed.


1. Make eye contact with her when you talk to her. It's polite, and most likely her face will have some attractive feature.

2. You can also talk about her shoes, earrings, and so forth, but not too much, or she might think you're gay. This will really impress a girl

3. Talk to her about anything—movies, school, current events, anything that at least partially distracts you from her boobs.

4. You might get an erection from looking too long. So don't stare. Look at her face. Look deep into her eyes. (this doesn't mean look at another girl's boobs). If you look at another girl then girl will not get impression but expressed.

5. If you are sure she isn't looking take a quick glance at them to relieve yourself but don't forget to look away, they can be hypnotic.

6. Don't daydream about them, especially if you are in class. The teacher may call you out on it.


• Make a vow to only stare at them a few minutes a day. And then lower the amount of minutes each day.

• The truth is, girls want to know that they're sexy, and that their bodies are being appreciated. No girl wants to feel like no ones attracted to them, but don't be a pervert and freak them out.Impressing a girl really need patience time and tricks

• Try getting your girlfriend to buy the girl your looking at a minimizer bra.


• Don't look off into space while talking to her if you are that afraid of looking at her boobs. Try to practice looking them in their eyes while talking to them. Then before you know it you'll be fine.

• If you find it hard to look at her eyes stare at the space between them.

Impress a girl series will continue with different tips for men and women to know there partners.Impress girl series will also tell you how to start of the date and how to behave dress and many more things please continue reading.

How to Woo a Girl

How to Woo a Girl - Impress a girl blogspot

Have you ever wanted to woo a girl, and make her sigh dreamily when she thinks about you? Here are some great ways to impress a girl...


1. Show interest and show her that you would like to get to know her and you were happy to meet her or talk to her. This will really impress a girl trust me

2. Always look into her eyes when speaking to her. That subtly will make her see that you are really taking an interest. Just be careful not to get lost in her eyes when she's talking, otherwise the only thing you'll have to respond with is "Wow, you've got pretty eyes." (see the first point). Girls get much impressed when you really admire them and there features.

3. Be sensitive and caring. Let her cry on your shoulder if she's sad. Make her smile when she's feeling crummy. However remember that she wants a man in her life so don't be supplicating.

4. Lead. She wants to be the wooed and not do the wooing so be the first to initiate touch (non-sexual and sexual). Be the one that comes in for the kiss. NEVER ask for ideas for what to do on the date, make plans and a back-up. If she knows of something better she will tell you.

5. Whisper in her ear. girls love this.- she will be impressed here a lot

6. If you have little siblings, nieces, or nephews, show her that you really care for them. Play with them, watch over and protect them, show the girl that they look up to you.

7. For Valentine's Day (if you celebrate it) be sweet or thoughtful instead of showy and clichéd. A dozen red roses may be the traditional romantic gift, but most girls will be better pleased with a few of their favourite flowers tied with a red, pink, or white ribbon. Actually remembering a girl's favourites will endear you to her more than any elaborate scheme. If it's early in the relationship, though, and you don't know her favourites yet, a teddy bear (or other stuffed animal) is a perfectly fine fallback gift. Do something original to you.This is the best way to impress a girl

8. Pick up lines are OK as long as they aren't obnoxious (meaning avoid the vast majority) or overtly sexual to someone you don't know.

9. Make her laugh. Girls love guys with a great sense of humour. That doesn't mean you should never take anything seriously, or else you'll come off as a clown.

10. Learn to dance and learn dance etiquette. Take some ballroom classes to build your confidence, so you learn to lead a girl through a song. Girls love guys that can dance.

11. INITIATIVE It's all about taking the first step, if you're going to take her in your arms and sweep her off her feet on the first date, you're about as oblivious as a fish. Girls like the fact that they're being wooed so it doesn't help if you're that 'what's his face' at the corner thinking if you should make a move. Those dreamy eye to eye across the room crap belong in movies. If you're going to ever win the prize, you've got to tell the prize you want it.

12. Break the Ice - one of most seemingly dicey things to do. once you have done this, holding a conversation and laughing will be easy, and you will begin to share a good rapport. a good laugh is always a smart way to break the ice. for eg - you would show this webpage to her, and have a laugh over what is written and the whole idea of having such a page as well.

13. Learn To Be Spontaneous - Taking an improv acting class can help with ideas for breaking the ice, and can help you be confident with talking to new people. Ideas flow, and it becomes easier to enter into and disengage from conversation, and can help you be more comfortable with any situation.


• Remember that all girls are different, and there's no one way to make any girl fall for you. For alternative takes on making a girl get butterflies in her stomach,

• Don't stalk girls. They will start to avoid you. However, you can try to talk to them more, through phone, IM, email, whatever.

• Look at yourself in the mirror. If you've got an odd hair style or own something embarrassing which will make you look stupid, change it. Most girls don't mind appearance but nearly all will have first impressions. Make them for the best.

• Girls don't like nasty breath. Eat mints regularly and brush teeth often.

• Don't just act natural - be natural. If your girl has a brain, she'll be able to detect that you're trying too hard, or striving to be something you're not.

• Nothing is sexier than confidence. However, nothing is as unattractive as arrogance, or more annoying than a needy lack of self-esteem. Try with everything you have to find the drawing medium which is confidence.

• Shower often, and not just with water. Actually use soap, and scrub really hard if you have failed to do this step before.

• Fashion isn't just for girls... it's for guys to be recognized by girls. Get a nice pair of shoes. A pair of cool jeans will also look cool when bought from a fashionable teen store. Same goes for shirts. Don't just buy one outfit. Clothes should never be worn more than twice a week.

• Calling her pretty or beautiful is more appreciated than hot or sexy, in fact, try to avoid the latter as much as possible.

• Get in shape.

• Ask her how she's doing and try to notice her moods. If she's sad, comfort her. If she is mad, ask her "what's wrong?" If she does not want to talk about it, don't press.

• Don't be awkward or geeky when asking her out. Think of your own ways and do not try to act cool.

• Treat her with respect, and don't say rude things about her behind her back.

• Never let her pay for a date UNLESS she absolutely insists.

• Try to be subtle when getting to know her, if she considers you a "friend" it may make her less willing to date you.

• Make sure that you are not mean to her, ever. They simply do not accept that.

• but at times reverse and remember that when a girl doesnt say anything thousands of thoughts are going through her head at that moment. . . maybe about you!

• Compliment her in a non-stalker way. eg. if she's wearing an interesting necklace, say "that's an interesting necklace" or "that's a cool necklace" NOT "I always like your necklaces *scary grin*".
• If you think something's wrong, ask her. Remember what she says, and is saying. Girl's memories are generally better than guys, and a lot of them will get offended if you forget something they've said.

• Cute teasing is okay. Something like "well you always look pretty" etc etc, in a messing-around voice is fine. Going over the top, and constantly putting her down will just make her angry and she'll probably tell her friends. This will result in general angry, vengeful people. This is not exactly what we're aiming for.

• Shower constantly and never emit any odors of any kind! Girls have very keen little noses and they can smell everything.


• Do this for every girl you are in a relationship with. If word gets out that you were a jerk to your last girlfriend, no one will want to date you.

• Watch yourself. You can't always act the same around girls as you do around your male friends, especially at first.

• If a girl is known to spread rumors about exes, be extra careful and consider whether this is really the girl for you.

• Don't put on strong cologne. Girls hate the smell and avoid it as long as possible. Light cologne or the fresh shower smell is nice.

• Don't ever force any girl to do something she doesn't want to do.

• Don't discuss any intimate details about your girl with your friends, it will get out.

• Impress her show her you're a real gentleman and don't ever kiss on the first date unless she is ready to.

• When you are ready for the first kiss and the mood is right, lean towards her slowly, but don't shove your face into hers. If she doesn't back away, gently lean the rest of the way in for the kiss. Some tips say go halfway there, or 80 or 90 percent. Go with what feels natural for the moment. Going all the way can work, but it depends on the girl. Bottom line, lead the kiss, but let her come to you

Impress a girl series will continue will lot more tips and tricks continue reading

Pick Up Girls While Walking Down the streets

There are simple signs to look for to pick up girls while walking down the street or on the boardwalk. These also work if you are in an amusement park and you can adapt it for whatever situation you are in.


1. Identify your target - make sure you pick out your target from a good distance so you can set up the following steps.

2. Make Brief Eye Contact - while they are walking towards you make brief eye contact but be sure not to stare. Brief eye contact lets them know you are interested but staring freaks people out.

3. Once you make eye contact look away for 1-2 seconds. This gives them a chance to give you the once over without feeling like they are staring.

4. Let them pass, unless they are really outgoing the typical female will let a male walk by even if they are interested.

5. Glance back - Once you are passed them and if you are interested glance back and try to get the "confirmation" look. If you glance back and they are looking at you go to step 6, otherwise tough luck and better luck next time.

6. If you get the confirmation look, you are golden. Turn around and start a conversation. Make plans to see them again and keep in mind they might be going somewhere so don't push them to immediatly go with you.


• Travel in groups- If you are seriously looking for some attention, grab two of your guy friends and get out there. Groups give you a good vibe. But don't walk with guys who are much better looking than you!

• It is much easier to start a conversation with a person walking in the same direction as you. Try to walk in the same direction as your target, and if he/she is continually moving, start the conversation with an over the shoulder comment.


• Don't Stare.

• Don't Be Rude.

• If it doesn't work, then let it go. Don't push or you will scare people

How to Pick up a Girl in a Club

A club can be a particularly frustrating place to meet someone, with all the noise, the crowd and the business of the participants. In fact, most women don't go to clubs to meet men. Yet, many men go to lubs to meet women. Here is a step-by-step guide on the best way to increase your chances of success.


1. Arrive early. By midnight, most people have already coalesced into groups, making them harder to approach.

2. Start conversations with people in the line-up. A good start is to ask someone if this is the event you are looking for.

3. After entering through the door, make eye contact with the first woman there. Again, "is this the event?" is an opening that will work. Since she's by the door, chances are she has just arrived and is also looking for someone to talk to.

4. Whenever you meet someone, ask if she's there alone or with friends. Then ask to meet her friends. Chances are she'll be happy to introduce. They tend to prefer the group dynamic in this setting.

5. Once you get names, and a few minutes of chit chat, move on. This shows them that you're not
desperate and that you have things to do. You can come back to them later as someone they already know.

6. After moving away, you may need to write down the names you just got for later reference.

7. Whatever you do, DON'T BE A WALLFLOWER. Guys who stand against the wall looking longingly at the women get pidgenonholed as a typical desperate one they like to avoid. If you get stuck in such a position, move from it to another vantage point every few minutes before getting another project going.

8. If you feel like resting, find a seat away from the crowd.

9. Have things to do: Bring a camera, explore the place, check out the bathroom, buy a drink, get a napkin. Have a look of Destination on your face. What does this look like? Simple: Just take a look at the busy-looking women as they go from place to place on some seelingly crutial mission.

10. If you see people you know, go over to them. They may end up introducing you to more people.

11. Talk to bouncers and security people. This makes you look important. These people are often bored and will be happy to talk to you.

12. Bring an entourage. It makes you attractive if you are part of a group.

13. If possible, come with a "wing-woman." A wing-woman is an attractive woman who is only a friend. This makes you look attractive.

14. Find someone to dance with. For this, an older or less attractive woman is ideal. They will be happy to dance with you and you will attract the attention of the young and pretty ones who are wondering why you chose this one as opposed to them. When the dance is over, compliment your partner and excuse yourself, then approach any one of the cute ones who will now be looking at you.

15. Talk to female wallflowers. They are open to meeting someone. Even if she is older or less attractive, engage them in conversation. This will make the cute ones wondering (same as above).

16. Walk around with a big cool looking drink. This will get you attention. Ask the bartender for a
recommendation on this.

17. Go outside. They stamp your hand so you might as well use it. Outside there is less competition and a it's less crowded and you can occasionally find a lone woman taking a break or a smoke.

18. Instead of asking for a phone number, ask for a business card. If she says she doesn't have one, ask if she has email.

19. Don't be satisfied with one email or phone number, even if you think she is the "woman of your dreams." Most women will not return a phone call from a guy she met at a club.

20. Make sure to circle around back to the women you met at the beginning. At this point, after missing you, they will be more open to talk.

21. The next day, email all the women. Give them some sort of way for them to remember who you are, and give them your phone number and tell them when you will be available.


• Have something to say. Many guys say "How's it going" and don't get much further. Also, be in the moment. Most women do not want to discuss their lives immediately with a new acquaintance. They might be open to discussing the event you are at, which can lead naturally into discussing more about them.

• If a woman insults you, just say "whatever" and turn away.

• If a woman displays childish or otherwise condescending or inappropriate behavior, do not feel like you have to play into it: Simply say: "I thought you were interesing, but I see I was mistaken. Good evening," and then turn to walk away. If she's descent she'll apppologize and pull you back.

• If you see a couple who looks like they might be just friends, try introducing yourself to the guy first He'll introduce you to her if he's her "wing-man."

• Don't feel like you have to spend the whole evening talking to one woman. She's there to be with other people too. So if things are going well, ask for an email, excuse yourself and move on to someone else.

• Come clean, groomed and wear a nice, pressed, expensive looking dark shirt.

• If a woman makes eye contact, go for it.

• If a woman avoids eye contact, you have just been rejected. Move on.

• If someone indicates that he or she would like to talk to you, for example, by making eye contact, talk to him or her even if you are not interested. This will make you look as busy as anyone else, and makes it look as though you didn't come there to meet pick up women.

• Don't dance too much by yourself. It makes you look alone. If there's one song you must dance to, do it where you're not too noticeable.

• For picking up women on the dance floor itself, see the wikihow on how to pick up a woman on a
dance floor.

• If you find yourself with nothing to do, look busy and important: Check your email, text your friends, call your mom, etc. If you don't know what "busy and important" is supposed to look like, just watch the busy and important looking women and do what they do.

• When choosing a woman to take your picture, pick one who has her own camera. This way (a) she probably knows what she's doing, and (b) after she takes yours, you can continue by offering to take one of her.

• Come with an attitude that says you are not there just to pick up women. You are there to hang with friends, enjoy the atmosphere and the music, perhaps dance a little, relax and have a drink, think about life, take pictures and whatever else you can come up with. This way if you don't meet someone, you will not consider the evening a failure. And projecting this attitude will make you look interesting, approachable and safe.

• If you find yourself sitting on the sidelines, differeriate yourself by not looking at the women, at least not for any extended amount of time. Concentrate on something else. Sip your drink, solve some work problem, figure out how to use some feature on our cell phone. With this technique, sooner or later, someone will sit down near or next to you.

• If someone sits down next to you, or on the same sofa with no one in between, she is probably
interested in you. Wait a few minutes and start a conversation.

• If you cannot get someone's phone number or email, try to get a first and last name. Then go home and look her up on Facebook. I am told, that as of this writing (Jan 2008), being approached in this manner is considered the least threatening by women. But this can change over time.


• Don't try to pick up the bartender. She's busy. If you must pick her up, only try it either very early or very late if she seems to have time.

• Keep in mind that most women at clubs are not there to meet new people but to have fun with people they already know.

• Realize that YOU WILL GET REJECTED as a matter of course by at least some of the women you approach. Some women enjoy the power surge of rejecting someone and get themselves all dolled up just to attract their next victim(s). If you cannot handle this, you should find other places to pick up women.

• Beware of boyfriends. If you see a couple very close and lovey-dovey, give them space.

• Occasionally, a woman will be downright rude and insulting. Learn to deal with this. Having a quick comeback up your sleeve then turning and leaving before they have the chance to wipe the look of shock off their face will leave you on the higher ground in the eyes of onlookers.

• Don't wear cologne. It may attract women you don't want, and turn away others you do want.

• Do not invest any emotion into any one individual, or the entire project in general. Remember that women who go to clubs are probably too vapid and superficial for the long term anyway.

Things You'll Need

• Pen and paper for phone number, emails
• A cell-phone
• A camera

Making girls fall in love with you

If you want to be "the one", here's how. Or at least, here are things to help you out on the way. Before even reading this, make sure you genuinely care about her.


1. Make her notice you! If she does, then the easy part is over.

2. Take your time. If she gives you her number, perfect, but don't beg for it. Call her when you get her number, but not too much. Some days, let her have a chance to call you! This'll show that you guys are willing to keep in contact.

3. Compliment her when she does something smart or kind. Don't overuse compliments though!
Compliment her too much and she'll roll her eyes again and again at your attempts at sweet talk.

4. Make sure you know things about her. You don't necessarily have to be her best friend, but do be a friend. Let her talk about her feelings with you, and in return try to do the same. But don't pour yourself out. You'll seem weak to her. Unless of course, she asks you to pour yourself, then go ahead. But know how she first felt about you, what her favorite color is and what her favorite book was when she was little. Things like that. But don't over ask.

5. Be friends with her family. Being a family friend is a good start. You don't want to get off the wrong foot with her family. They sometimes have the power to change her mind if they don't like you. Visit her family and start a good conversation. Nothing like how's the weather. Talk about something you think would interest them. Read the front page of the paper so that you will know what is going on in this world. Then you will have something to talk about and you will not have to try too hard!! Relax!

6. Get her a small gift. Don't get her the world on its knees. Get her something like a small ring, unless she hates jewelry and can't stand the feel of metal on her skin. Maybe she would like some flowers or a pretty bookmark. If you don't know what she would like, try and figure it out. Here are some meanings women might attribute to various objects--

7. Ring-Commitment

8. Hand-Drawn Portrait-Commitment

9. Stuffed toy--Puppy Love

10. Flowers: You think she's pretty.

11. (Note) Do NOT get her something that might scare her or that she might not need or even like (unless of course she has a collection of things like spoons, marbles, stuff like that.)

12. Meet her friends. Meeting her friends means you're a step up! This means she's willing to accept you into her life. Don't push her to meet them though, let her one day ask "Would you like to meet my friends?" whereupon you quickly answer "Sure!"(If she has friends that are women, do not, NOT, become extreme friends with them, be polite, but not extremely friendly, as this will make her think you might cheat on her with her friends.


• A simple one here, but one that is often the hardest one to obtain. Be yourself, smile and be honest. You'll find with anyone, just being you is a 100% sure fire way to knowing if you are meant to be or not.

• Don't overcompliment her! If you do, it'll make her extremely bored. But do remember to compliment her sometimes and whenever you really mean it.

• Don't tease her love by joking about how she could improve in some areas or saying that a 'certain' girl looks extremely pretty today in front of her, not even when you're alone! Especially celebrities.

• Love is a feeling induced by biochemistry, so learn what situation makes it favorable for a girl to fall in love.

• Watch the movies boys, it's not rocket science

• girls want something special that only you two share together

• Don't ignore her to look cool in front of your friends

• make her feel like she is the one you are thinking about and want to be with and MEAN IT!!!!

• When you say you are going to CALL just do it

• If is not working out then don't drag her on by telling her you miss her the day before you dump her or even after

• If you end it end it don't string her along your twisted web

• don't use i was just drunk as an excuse to get out of anything!!!

• Look like a strong figure girls don't like sissys

• never talk negative about her friends

• don't try to keep her your dirty little secret it will blow up in your face.

• all women want is just to love and be loved in return

• try and give her the movie kiss she has always wanted

• if you think you are holding her too long just do it longer

• surprises don't always have to cost you something

• Drop the three day calling rule. Don't leave her waiting!!Girls hate that, it leaves them confused.


• Don't mock something she believes in. (Example, she wants to become a Radio City Rockette, or wants to fly to the moon). Believe in her, assure her that whatever it is she wants to do, you're by her side one hundred percent. Of course, if it's something life threatening, share your concern with her,and she'll most likely not do it if she has feelings for you.o If you do love her, decide on the right time to tell her. Ask her in little way (Without revealing yourtrue intention) on how she feels about people confessing their love for her. If she says sometimes she wishes someone would say that to her, by all means go for it. But if she says that if someone said those words (I love you) to her, it would feel weird, awkward almost. Then you know to wait a little, but don't put it off for long, sooner or later you have to admit your feelings.

• Try not to get into arguments about silly things. Of course it's the fire that keeps the relationship alive, but have too many arguments and she'll feel like it's not worth it if every second you're going to argue about something minor. On the other hand, don't appear weak to her. Stand strong, but still uphold that fact that you have strong feelings for her.

• Be caring !!!

How to Get a Girlfriend

It is usually harder for guys to get a girlfriend than it is for girls to get a boyfriend. For all those who haven't been lucky in the love department, follow these steps to become attractive to women.


1. Have good personal hygiene. You don't have to be Brad Pitt to get a girl. For the most part, just caring about how you are is enough. Wear clothes that fit, and make sure your body is clean. (Keep clean Teeth, trim nails, Tidy Hair, No Unibrows, etc...)

2. Keep up a good posture, walk steadily and smile. Women do not like slouchers. Bad posture gives the impression of low confidence. Smiling makes a guy more friendly and welcoming. A good walking style,(straight back, a hand in the pocket and taking well-distanced strides) gives the impression of intelligence.

3. Wearing a large amount of cologne is Not a good idea, wearing 2 or more different types of cologne is an even worse idea, and always remember with your smell, a little goes a Long way.

4. Pick a location frequented by a significant number of girls where you feel fairly comfortable, perhaps a place that is conducive to a skill of yours: music, public speaking, or a private intimate conversation.Go out and have a good time. Guys who stare and walk around constantly looking for women immediately lower their value. Go out with your friends to a bar or club (or any public place, such as a bookstore, if you're more of the studious type) and start out by genuinely having a good time. TheInternet does not count.

5. Be funny. If you're not naturally funny, don't try too hard around her. Pitch jokes to other people first and see how the jokes do with them. If you get no laughs there, just pray, because it's gonna be hard winning a girl without humor.

6. "Plant some seeds". Flirt casually with waitresses. Make a passing comment and smile to a girl
walking by. Toast a woman at the bar. Then go back to having a good time with your friends. In a short time, you'll notice women slowly gravitating to you.

7. Qualify them. Don't be a jerk about it... but in a fun, playful way, make her prove her value to you. Something as simple as "Are you open-minded? Cool, because I like open-minded people."

8. Talk. Silence is uncomfortable. (On the other hand, women or men who do nothing but talk and never listen can be annoying.)

9. Learn how to flirt. Flirting is an art, and is easily the most important social skill for men to learn. Try taking a comedy class, or talk to her like she's your little sister...but do so with a smile, so she will know you are kidding.

10. Connect with her. Find out what you have in common, and reward her with a smile and a story of your own if she tells you something unique about herself that you can relate to. WARNING: If she gives you something like "Oh, I like to go shopping", don't reward her for that. It's not unique. Instead, ask for more information and then connect with it.

11. Look and touch. Looking into a girl's eyes shows respect and interest. A firm handshake, a gentle pat on the back, a light touch of the hand and other subtle gestures allow the girl to feel connected with the guy.

12. Feel great. The feeling will radiate and affect the lady too.

13. Don't pretend to be someone you aren't. You may think you will win her over with like mindedness, but in the end she will find you out. Find a common interest, something you both like instead.

14. Show your interest. The best way to get out of the "friend trap" is to avoid it from the start. After finding common interests, make your intentions clear. "You know, I just realized it. Not only are you pretty, but you're fun to talk to."

15. Ask for her number. Give her your phone, tell her "Put your number in my phone and I'll call your phone so you'll have mine."

16. And once you establish that special, exclusive relationship of boyfriend and girlfriend do not--I repeat-- do not stop the chivalry. Women are too special to only be waited on conditionally. The best way to show her you care is to continue to do the little things for her. You still need to open her car door, walk her home, kiss her goodnight. ALWAYS call her at night to bid her goodnight (it's best to wait a few hours after your date to do this, otherwise you'll seem a tad desperate.) Remember, show affection and respect and you'll get affection and respect.


• Body language is very important. Be sure to keep a sturdy, upright frame and look her in the eye.Now, be careful not to stare at her either. Being natural is key.

• If you are nervous, and going out to meet women, be sure to start talking to people as soon as you reach your destination. Chat up the staff at the door, or the people who let you into the party. Be open from the start.

• Put on great-smelling aftershave or cologne. Research the best-selling ones at department stores. Unless, that is, the girls you like tend to be more on the outdoors or tomboy side of things. Some girls detest the scent of cologne. Do not marinate yourself with scents. Ladies complain of too much cologne, not too little. Do not exceed the maximum of three sprays on the upper body. Especially if you wear cologne every day. It's the general problem where a person gradually become accustomed to the cologne levels in their own scent that they need more and more of the stuff to be able to smell it themselves. You might not be able to smell it, but it's there.

• Guys do not need to look like Brad Pitt to find a girlfriend. Just keep hair, teeth and nails clean and neat. Ladies are quick to notice little details especially in the hands and faces.

• Be a good conversationalist. Read up on the latest in politics, entertainment, arts and even sports news. Women love a well-informed man. It makes him look well-educated and, therefore, richer in every aspect. Or just actually be well-educated.

• Do listen to the lady before responding. Women do not like to be cut off. They like to be considered and feel important.

• Do pay on the first drink, first date, first taxi cab ride, etc. It makes a gentleman out of a man.

• Very important - offer to walk or drive the lady home (or anywhere she wants to go). This makes the man seem sincerely concerned for her well-being.

• Don't say things you need to explain, this is the biggest mood killer.

• Be honest and forthright, but not aggressive. Girls appreciate you telling them how you feel.

• Don't annoy your girl by texting her every night. If she texts you, reply but unless you have something to say then don't text. It gets annoying when someone keeps texting you saying "what r u doing?", so if you absolutely can't go without saying something everyday, at least correct your grammar. At the very minimum, spell words correctly.

• Don't be afraid to display your affection in public.

• Dress to match, Black and Whites, Browns and Blues, even if they don't say anything, girls notice.

• Don't be afraid to touch her, if you find yourself flirting, lightly touch her arm or waist.

• Be a gentleman! Open car doors for her and remember the "ladies first" rule

• Be Yourself

• If your going to the movies, Get one large popcorn to share it, and maybe your hands will touch.


• Do not attempt to stalk the lady! Know when she means no!

• Do not ask out someone too young because they are probably not ready.

• Grinning like the Cheshire cat can often creep someone out. Unless she likes that, but hey, it's your girl.

• Taking over the entire conversation is over-bearing and rude.

• Do not insist relentlessly on an offer when the lady has turned it down. It may be that she has no use for or does not feel good about the suggestion. Pushing her to accept will only increase the possibility of rejection. No one likes to feel forced into doing something. This should be mutual, OK?

• Avoid being a close talker. Nobody likes that. (particularly if you have bad breath)

• Don't make disgusting body jokes, ask them their age or weight. Girls hate that.

• Don't make her feel like a sex object instead of a human being, unless you're trying to get a loose girl. Less promiscuous girls are turned off by such patronization and bigotry.

How To Approach And Attract

You have probably heard a thousand pick up lines. Infact, you have probably even tried a few. And let me guess, most did not work did they? That's to be expected. The female sex is an interesting bunch and men have been trying to find the best way to approach and attract women for thousands of years.

Guys will use all sorts of tactics to try to grab their attention. Some will buy them a drink. Some will try to show off their muscles while others will try a variety of corny pick-up lines. In reality, all these tactics can be counterproductive.

Girls, especially attractive ones, get offered drinks and hear standard pick-up lines every night they go out.

They are used to this attention and see guys flaunting themselves in front of them all the time. It's standard issue for them, and if you use the same methods you then become just another desperate guy trying to get in their pants. DO NOT fall into this trap. The key to approaching women is to make it appear that you are engaging in conversation simply out of convenience.
You do not want them to think you are hitting on them, but rather that you are simply talking to them because they happen to be there.

It can be tricky, but there a few ways you can achieve this. If you see a girl you are interested in or attracted to, do not just go up and start talking. You have to be in their general proximity for a reason.

If they are at the bar, maybe you are there just to get a drink. Or a friend of yours is standing around her and you went over to talk to him.

I like to position myself close to my "target" and establish that there is a reason I am there before I say a word to her. At first, when you assume your position close to her, go against any urge to gawk, stare or pay attention to her. Make it clear you are not there for her. When you do actually speak to her, she will be convinced she was just lucky enough to be standing near you at that time.

So what do you say? My favourite "opener" is a question that asks for an opinion. It makes it seems like you are just asking for her opinion on an issue that is on your mind rather than talking to her because you want to impress her.

One I love using is "Hey, let me ask you something. I just talked to my friend who broke up with this girl he has been seeing for a couple of months. Well, he broke up with her by text message. Do you think it's ok to breakup with someone by text message?"

When you are delivering this line make sure you are smiling, standing tall and deliver it with confidence.

It's important not to show your nerves in your body language. And make it funny! This topic opens up a whole bunch of doors and usually the girl will think it is quirky and funny. Try to make her laugh and always have a few follow up lines waiting that are funny.

For example, if she automatically says no and claims your friend is a jerk, you can say something like "Yeah, I think he is just bitter since his last girlfriend broke up with him on MSN messenger." You can then launch into a story about this breakup.....there is lots of opportunity to make it funny.

The initial approach is all about being casual and having the girl not interpret your actions as "picking her up". The opinion opener does exactly this as long as you make it appear that you are honestly just picking their head. There are tons of options. Some others include "Who do you think lie more often? Girls or guys?" or "My 16 year old sister wants to get a tattoo of her
boyfriends name but I really don't think it's great idea. What do you think?"

These lines can open up some awesome conversations. If you have a casual and unique approach followed by funny and interesting conversation, you are on your way to attracting that girl you never dreamed would pay attention to you! You see, learning how to approach and attract women can be fun and easy! Next time you are out on the town, try out some of these techniques.

This lesson is simply a small part of the art of seduction. The quality of the available information on social dynamics, sexual skills and how to succeed with women has vastly improved and offers any guy an opportunity to be successful with the woman of their

How to Flirt With Pretty Girls

? Read this article for some tips on how to enter her mind and have chance of success--albeit a small one. Yeah Uh hey guys take it from a Pretty Girl Guys like it if you are nice and help her if a boy is picking on her take it easy on her anyways


1. First and foremost, remember that these rules will not always work! Maybe she likes a real man who will hold the door open for her.

2. Now then, start up a conversation with her. Speak with confidence and flow, but do not attempt extreme images such as macho, super-smooth, cool dude, comedian, pick-up artist, witty conversationalist, or having a profession that you do not have.

3. You can fake the confidence at first. It will come more naturally when she responds to you.

4. Don't overwhelm her with compliments. You should focus on going from "nice acquaintance" to
"intimate friend/potential lover" quickly. Intimate friends joke around, tease each other gently, touch each other. Start with touching her on the arm when you're laughing (don't watch the hand). See if she touches you.

5. Don't act like you're trying to impress her. If she really does something stupid and is a little
embarrassed (not horrified) call her out on it. Smirk, say, "Wow - that was smooth!" with a little smile, then change tone and say, "Oh - come here!" and comfort her with a little side-hug. If you do or say something stupid, don't just ignore it, either. Don't focus on it for too long, but just say, "It's my first day walking. Give me a break!" with a smile.

6. Throw in some jokes. Humor can relieve awkwardness. Alternatively, just learn to be witty. Almost all girls like intelligence as well as confidence.

7. Show that you're secure with yourself and when you say something that you stick to your word.

8. If you say something weird, follow it up with something funny and turn it into a joke.

9. Sit close to her but don't breathe down her neck. Two chairs side-by-side are all that are needed. You might also be able to sit behind her and at times hit her hair a time or two. She'll turn around if she feels you, then make a joke that she finds humorous.

10. If she has a scarf on that you think is ok or really good, tell her, and touch her scarf for a few seconds .and ask when and where she got it

11. Find something that you both think is hilarious. Turn it into an inside joke, so when you want to talk to her, you have something to say no matter what, and she thinks that something is funny. However, don't use it too much, otherwise it loses its humor and her opinion of your humor is lowered.

12. Don't always be eager to start conversation with her. If she walks into class, you do not have to jump up and say hi immediately, but if she sits next to you and initiates conversation, go for it!

13. Be the man! Girls hate it when they have to start the conversation or take the lead (let her talk too though! remember, listening is just as important!). You CAN go and sit next to her/talk to her, if she likes you she will not mind (she'll love it!).

14. Keep jumping from one topic to another while talking.

15. Tell her some short wise and wonderful story if there is a long pause in the middle of your talks.

16. Remember, strange as it may seem, since just about every boy is just as nervous about talking to them as you are, some very pretty girls have NEVER been flirted with or have had a boyfriend so dont scare her off! Sometimes these super popular girls are even lonely because they feel they have all these friends and no one wants to go out with her. So become her friend first and then move on to the flirting (don't stay her friend too long though; she may worry a relationship may ruin a friendship) this way you will not scare her off.

17. Find out her interests, and music she likes. Then talk to her about them. If you can't think of anything to talk about, use a conversation starter like "How has your day been?" or "Don't you love this time of year?". These most usually only work if you are already friends with her, and you see her on a daily basis. If you do see her on a daily basis and she mentions, for example, a vacation she is going on soon inquire where she is going branch off from there, and when she gets back ask her how it was. Don't be extremely serious in your inquiry, just ask it casually.

18. Don't let her get the wrong idea that you're just an annoying pest.

19. DON'T flirt with two girls at once. It will make her confused and stop liking you.


• Remember, no matter what sex you are, girl or boy, if you feel you just can't understand your 'flirtee' because of their gender, relax! Just about everyone feels this way. There's even a book making fun of this titled "What men know about women." It's about 80 pages long, and every single page, other than the cover, is blank.

• Flirting is supposed to be fun, so the less stressed and/or the more relaxed you are, the better! BE HAPPY.

• Make sure you don't smell bad or wear too much cologne.

• Be sure to use whatever makes you stand out to your advantage to help her notice you. Be funny, charming, a good dresser, etc.

• Be nicely groomed and brush your teeth.

• After successfully getting the girl in a position where she will enjoy going on a date with you, ask her out.

• If the girl is very good looking, she will be so used to having guys flirt with her that it won't mean anything. Be cocky and funny. Poke fun at her a little bit and make her laugh. Don't be mean! But, a little sarcasm here and there helps. The girl will feel like you are a challenge that needs to be conquered. Just keep it up and soon you'll have her in your arms.

• A good cologne can make a guy irresistible. Use a little cologne or at least shampoo that smells good. Girls really notice how a guy smells. Just don't wear too much!

• Here's a secret. No one is out of any one's reach. It's all about timing, and proper procedure. If you begin a conversation with someone you are interested in with confidence and be yourself, you'll be surprised who you can attract.

• Guys: Here's another secret. Even if you are going to a dark nightclub, wear your best shoes freshly shined. The "once over" look that you hear about- That is actually a women looking at your eyes then your shoes. Women rate a man's social status, style, personal habits, and spending habits with one look at his shoes. They would rather have a man that can afford really nice shoes, who can dress with style, who takes care of the things he has, and who isn't too cheap to spend money on nicer things

• Do NOT tell her yet that you like her, take things real slow.

• If you do tell her you like her, pretend like you never did it just make comment about it, then carry on your conversation


• Be prepared for rejection. It happens to everyone

• Don't let her disinterest dissuade you. It doesn't always work at first. Just keep speaking to her but don't try any of the techniques. Just learn more about her.

• The friend zone is a place no man wants to find himself. It's hard to escape from and can totally kill her sexual interest in you. Don't hang out with her constantly unless you're having a romantic relationship. Stay in that little area just below a friend and keep chipping away at her. Someday it might work out but please note that she might only see you as a friend, and not how you see her.

• If you practice on other girls, don't hurt them. Don't lead them on just to dump them. Pick girls you are really interested in. Who knows, you might end up finding someone even more interesting than the one you have your sights on.

• Don't trust dating advice written by most high school students, unless they are the type of person that can end up hooking up with many varieties of guys or girls very swiftly.

• Lastly, DON'T BE STUPID. Don't say anything that will make her mad, sad or uncomfortable.

• Never overreact to anything she says. She'll think you're mocking her and will become slightly uneasy

Flirting With a Waitress

Are you a loner at a restaurant? Do you want to make your meal memorable? Have no fear! The steps a head will tell you exactly what you need to do.


1. First, make sure you're in a restaurant or a bar. You don't want to sit at the counter, you want the waitress to come to you.

2. When you go to your table and the beautiful waitress comes your way to serve you, try to give your best smile.

3. When she comes back with your drink, start up a conversation. Even better, start flirting. But not too much or for too long! Remember that she has a job to do and has to serve other people as well.

4. When she comes back with your meal, and if for some reason she's not smiling, she probably doesn't want anything to do with you.

5. If she seems interested in you, continue on flirting; if not, don't continue bothering her.

6. You don't have to flirt with her every time she comes to serve you, call her over and get a refill, and when she does - smile and throw a compliment here and there.

7. When she comes back to take your plate away, say "I would like to thank you for doing such a great job and making me enjoy this experience."

8. When she comes back to give you your bill, continue on flirting and do your best to compliment her in a genuine way, preferably about her work or her personality.

9. When you go to pay the bill, give her a tip (15% of the bill, excluding taxes is a typical "good tip" try and do a little more to make her remember you) Thank her for the wonderful meal (even if it wasn't wonderful) and that you'd like to meet her again sometime.


• Don't flirt too much or use pick-up lines. You'll give her the impression that you pick up any girl.

• Don't start flirting right off the bat. She wants to see that you are actually interesting in her personality, not just the way she looks.


• Find out if she's married or is in a relationship to avoid the embarrassment of a social 'faux pas'.

• Be aware that waitresses often act like they're receptive to your flirting in the hopes that you'll tip better. Don't take any receptiveness from a waitperson too seriously unless they continue it after you've paid.

• Don't harass her. If she's showing annoyance and lack of interest in you, don't continue flirting. She might call her boss or get you kicked out if you do or say anything inappropriate.

How to Impress Your Date

Here's how to impress a date without looking overzealous, pompous, or awkward. Anyone can do it, provided you have confidence in yourself. I will also help to bring her flowers, to show her how special you feel she is.
1. Remember who you are, and remember who you are trying to impress. Do not try to be someone else, because your fraudulence will shine through.
2. Hold his/her attention with funny anecdotes and stories, but no corny jokes. It may lead to an
awkward moment. Laughing often breaks the ice, and everyone loves someone with a sense of
humor. Most people love funny stories, but nothing too dirty, especially on a first date.
3. Dress and look sophisticated. Unless you are taking her to the beach, you probably should not be wearing flip-flops or shorts on a first date. No matter what you do for a living, let her know that you enjoy what you do and take pride in it. Don't be too boastful - people usually find that to be rude and offensive.
4. Do not complain about everything. Family, friends, work, boss, car, weather, taxes, and gasoline prices should stay out of the conversation. Instead, try to smile and let them know that you are a fun person - not someone boring who they have to talk to.
5. Buy her flowers. Girls love to receive them. If you want to get her something small instead, buy a candle or a picture frame (not with your picture in it). You want her to know that you were thinking about them while you were apart and that you remember what they like. Just don't go overboard.

6. Be courteous. Hold the door and, help her with her coat, pull out chairs, do not interrupt her, do not talk on the cellphone on a date, and do not look at other people in the room.
7. Ask her about herself. Try not to be too nosy - don't ask any personal questions. Make her feel good about her career, hobbies, interests, and opinions. Listen attentively, as well. People generally hate it when they get asked the same question twice because it tells them that you were not listening the first time. Do not pry into personal matters, and do not tell about private matters in your life.

8. Compliment her. Tell her she looks lovely, smells good, is intelligent, have a beautiful house -
anything that will make her smile. It counts.
9. Talk about your interests and be relatively open with them. Talk about her interests as well, and try to focus on mutual interests, since both of you will be able to contribute. Who knows? She may like the things you like and know a lot more about it than you thought they would. What about history, cars, music, movies? Your date may very well share some of your interests, and it could make for a great conversation and allow you both to find some common ground.
• If you have one of those silent moments, just drop in a quote from a famous person to make her laugh or ask her what she thinks about it. Memorise one or two key quotes.
• If you really want to impress your date, try not to take them to a bar on a first date. They might not feel 100% comfortable with it, and may not hold alcohol very well. You may have the same problem. Try a coffee shop; it affords you both a chance to talk and get to know each other a little better. Dinner could be nice, but probably better for a second or third date. Movies are nice, too, but allow for little conversation time. Save the movie for a second or third date as well, and that way during the movie you can let them lean against you or get closer, without feeling uncomfortable about it.

• For a first kiss, do not try to swallow their face. Leave a lasting positive impression by some eye contact, perhaps a little bit of tasteful and gentle touching.
• Do not speed when driving with your date. They will not be impressed. People are more comfortable when they are not expecting to fly through your windshield.
• Do not reach for very sexual parts of your date's body immediately. If you want to make some
relatively early physical contacts, reach for their hand, hair, perhaps the neck but within reason, or back.
• Try to adjust the temperature in your car or house to accommodate your date. Do not suffer but do not be inconsiderate, either. It is best for your date to be comfortable when they are in your environment.
• If your date has any pets, you don't have to pick them up or play with them right away, but don't reject the animal immediately. However, be honest with them if you are allergic. Better safe than sorry.

• It is generally a good idea to get to know your date's parents a bit if possible and try to make a decent impression.
• Important - if you say you are going to call your date, call them. In addition, try not to be late to dates.
• A major cause for rejection is talking too much about past relationships.
• Do not get drunk or lose control of yourself.
• Do not get into a heated discussion over religion, politics, or money. This is not the time for it. Surely it is acceptable to let them know some of your beliefs and opinions at some point, but not right away.

• Try not to focus on their flaws. There is a reason you asked your date out in the first place. Focus on their good qualities.

How to Date Well

Ever thought of what to do when going out on a date? Feeling lost and not knowing how? Here's some tips on how you can actually date well even if your inexperienced.


1. Plan the date well, or ask a couple questions to ascertain that the other person has done so.
Communicate about where and when you will meet, how you will go, what you will do, when you will come back, and about major expectations.

2. But along with planning, also be flexible. Have a backup plan in case the first one turns out not
mutually enjoyable. Be flexible in your expectations of the other person and the relationship. Just help the other person have a good time.

3. Dress appropriately. Be clean, and make sure you don't smell; it'll ruin the date from the start! (Don't put on too much perfume, either.) Wear clothes that fit the date, and dress up a little for dinner. Jeans are for outings with your friends, not for dates. It's not just about the environment, it's also about showing the person you are on a date with that you've dressed for them

4. Be yourself, but please be polite. And do be considerate too. Say please and thank you. It's not that hard, it's all a part of being gracious. Feel relaxed; if you get too tensed up, the whole atmosphere will be spoiled.

5. Pay attention to your date; ask questions, and listen to the answers, don't dominate the conversation. Being pleasant on your date will make the date go more smoothly.

6. Don't talk and chat on the phone and act like your date is not there. It's pretty simple. If you are on a date with someone, turn off your cell phone. Unless you are a surgeon on call, it won't affect your life, right? Moreover, it's rude to do so. Concentrate on your date, not someone else on the other side of the line. Nobody likes to be left alone, waiting for their date to finish with someone else!

7. Make eye contact. Eye contact simply makes you appear engaging, secure, and surely more
attractive. Don't stare her down, though - you don't want to make her think you're visualizing how to fit all her internal organs into your fridge.

8. One person should take the other home or to a pre-arranged finishing place. No matter how the date goes (well, unless you stop trusting your partner), always make it a point to take your date home, especially when it's a woman late at night. Remember, her safety is your concern. It'll make her think you really care; it is an unwritten rule in dates.

9. Express appreciation to each other for the time you spent together. But do not arrange the next date just yet, and definitely not before the date even begins. It is very awkward to have 2 dates planned at the same time. Your partner (and you) needs time to assess your feelings about the date and prepare to accept another one. Within a short time after (1-7 days) call your partner and express your feelings about where to go next in the relationship (like one date at at time, or more dating, or less, or more casual, or more formal, or to cut it off, become friends, or what have you...)


• Flowers might be a good idea, and a nice gesture.

• Who should pay? Always offer to pay, but if she insists on paying her half, do

Becoming popular guy

The geeks may inherit the earth, but high school and college will still belong to the popular people. Want to be one of them? You won't have to change who you are or what you care about, but you may have to challenge yourself in ways you never considered before. If you decide you’d like to jump start your social life, here are some steps to help you reach your goal.


1. Evaluate the reasons why you want to become popular. Do you just want to fit in? All you need to do--are those worth the benefits of being popular? Do you think they are the group you would like to join?

2. Be comfortable with yourself and present a confident image. It will be much easier to have others see that and want to be around you. Once you are comfortable with being alone and happy with who you are, it’ll be easier to make friends.

3. Create your style. While many of the popular kids may wear the same kinds of clothes and have the same haircuts, this does not mean that simply changing these things about yourself will make you popular. Don’t go overboard with style changes, as it will only make you look like you are trying too hard. Instead, look at your hair and clothing as a chance to present yourself in the best light. Maybe a new, shorter haircut will help you to show off your eyes and smile, or that fashionable pair of jeans is just the confidence booster you’ve been looking for. A change can be a powerful thing. Tailor the latest trends to your own ideas, and put forth an image that makes you feel good. Remember that some of the most fashionable people are the ones who are confident enough to take chances and be different.

4. Take pride in your appearance and stay in shape. If you’re trying to attract people to you, which is not as hard as it may seem, being clean is a definite plus. Shower and brush your teeth every day, as well as using deodorant and cleaning your ears, etc. Maintain yourself as someone people won’t mind being around. People don't like smelly people. Washing your face regularly is also recommended, as it will be important to put your best face forward, and acne can definitely bring down your confidence level. For girls, make-up can be an option. o Smile Always have a smile on your face. Don't make yourself look like a lunatic, just simply have a smile on your face, this encourages others to want to be your friend and smile back.

5. Get involved. One of the easiest ways to meet people is to participate in school activities, such as athletic teams, community service projects, or artistic groups. Being part of a group automatically fosters some formation of relationships, and can give you the added confidence you need to feel popular. Don’t be worried about whether a certain group is cool or not; choose something that fits your interests and talents, and eventually people will recognize you for the good qualities you have. You don’t need to be a cheerleader or football player to be popular.

6. Don't be shy. Show your talents. Especially, show the ones people would never imagine you have. This will help you achieve success, popularity and more people might take an interest in you. If a large group of people feel you will become famous for your talent, this is an amazingly fast way to increase popularity and especially recognition in your school. But don't boast! Stay humble. Bragging a little is alright, but make sure you're not serious, make it a joke or something.

7. Be assertive and outgoing. Friends aren’t just going to throw themselves at you, especially not if you’ve had a not-so-popular image for years. Even if you are not naturally gregarious, you’re going to have to come out of your shell a little bit and put yourself in social situations. Don’t be afraid to go and sit at a new table at lunch, or strike up a conversation with the person next to you in study hall.

8. Change that attitude Maybe you're not very popular because of your attitude. Being positive always helps, but there are some other, smaller things, such as your remarks or reactions, make them as smooth or as enjoyable as you can. Don't be judgmental.

9. Start talking. Talk to at least 3 new people every day. Even if it's just, 'Hey, I don't get this math problem, do you?', it will still help, and remember to always smile when talking to them. When you strike up a conversation, don't always be wondering what the other person is thinking, then something negative will get across. While you maybe thinking "Wow, I sound so geeky," your face could be saying "I don't want to talk to this freak." Avoid thinking about whether or not you’re "cool" enough to talk to a certain person; rather, let that person see why they should want to talk to you.

10. Share something about yourself - it doesn't have to be big, just funny incidents or mishaps that will make people laugh (and not totally creep them out). Believe it or not, laughter often makes people feel more comfortable around you - making it more likely that they'll recall you as someone they'll like to hang around with.

11. Develop relationships. As you begin to meet people, don’t just treat them as items on a checklist. Find out what they like to do, their interests, and learn about them as people. Give out as many or even more compliments than you receive. The reality is that people aren't really that interested in you- -they're interested in themselves. So don't try to act interesting to get other people's attention, act interested in them! You’re trying to make friends, not just be known. Just don't give off the impression that you're interested in them as more than a friend.

12. Mingle. Be sure to keep in touch with your old friends—you don’t want them to think you’ve forgotten about them just because you’re making new ones. Don't just hang out with one group all the time, either. Try and alternate a fair amount between the groups, so that people get the impression that you can get along with everyone. Don’t exclude anyone. Enemies and popularity don't mix.

13. Jump in the pool. Or do something else unexpected. What this means is, sometimes to get yourself noticed, you may have to put yourself out there in ways you hadn’t considered. Maybe this means going up and talking to the girl no one else will, or dancing crazily at the next formal. Be careful you don't become an attention grabber, nobody likes a show off. Let yourself go. You’ll be surprised how good it can make you feel, and how people respect a person who goes against the crowd and does what s/he wants. Make sure you don’t just become a ‘novelty’ who amuses others with his/her antics, however.

14. Don’t think too hard. Being popular is as much a state of mind as anything else. If people see you trying too hard to be popular, they will usually dismiss your efforts. Popularity, in the end, is only partly about how others see you. Your reputation may fade and change over time, and the only thing you can/should do about that is stay absolutely true to yourself. Use these tips for your personal benefit (not in a greedy, manipulative way.) Just continue to believe in yourself, and it won’t be long before others follow your lead.

15. But always remember, being popular is just a state of mind. Memories of high school are way more important because you don't want to regret your actions when you're much older than now, so always make sure to have lots of fun with/ without the so called "popular people".

16. But over all, the most important thing to remember is to be yourself. Because even if you achieve your popularity goals being someone that your not, you can't just snap back to who you were before and expect them to treat you as the same person, and if you have to keep being someone that you're not, then you will not be happy, and that was the point of getting popular in the first place right? To get happier. And don't change. Popularity can change everyone so don't let it.Remember to choose your friends wisely. Usually, in 5th grade and up, new kids are immediatly popular.


• Dont think the popular people are something higher, or above you, this will make you shy around them, treat them as normal people, and it will be much easier. You can also try to imagine they are not as good as you, to boost confidence. Don't act like a jerk though, just imagine.

• Be a good listener. Really listen to what people are saying and be actively engaged until you can
excuse yourself. Don't scan the room looking for someone more interesting to talk to.

• Be smart. When you are not doing just small talk, try to understand your conversational partner and make matching statements.

• Be positive and optimistic. Try to always see the glass as half full. Whiners, complainers and negative people are no fun to be around, at least not for very long.

• Smile often. This goes hand in hand with being positive and optimistic. Pleasant people are a joy to be around. People who always walk around looking like their dog just died aren't. Smiling warms people up to you.

• If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. That might sound like something you would hear from your grandmother, but it is good advice. Even if people around you are denigrating someone, avoid being drawn into negative gossip. If pressed for an opinion just say something neutral like "Well she has always been nice to me", or "Perhaps he has personal issues that we can't understand".

• Be yourself. You'll make more friends that way.

• You can not control how people will react to you regardless of how much time you spend on your appearance. If you are basing your opinion of yourself on being popular, then there is the chance you can end up quite sad. Sometimes the really popular people are seldom happy because they criticize themselves too much or they treat others poorly because they have overgrown egos.

• Remember you have to love yourself before anyone can love you.

• Make a lot of new friends and hang out with them often.

• Hang out with some of the popular kids as well as the ones who are not popular.

• Realize that your popularity will not get you through college, and may fade very quickly after high school. Popularity as a teen is no guarantee of popularity as an adult. Likewise, unpopular teens often grow up into popular adults. Many times in life the people you call nerds in school you'll call boss at work.

• Also, do not drop out of courses that you want to take just because you fear that people will not want to be friends with you. That could cut you off from a career that you may enjoy, and isn't helpful in the long run. If people leave you because of the courses you take, they weren't your friends and never were.

• Don't try to limit or change your feelings or personality just to be popular. If you find that to be popular, you have to act and think like other popular people, don't try to be popular. One should not let themselves become someone else simply to conform.

• Don’t do dangerous/stupid things in order to become popular, such as smoking, drinking, drunk
driving, or illegal drugs. You’ll only be putting yourself at risk, and none of these things will make
people think you are cool. Though you might temporarily appear cool to people who have problemladen lives, you might be in danger. Think more about the big picture rather than that specific moment.

• Don't let people use you. Sometimes popular kids accept a new person just because they are rich and generous, smart and nice enough to help them or easy pickings and can be joked at. If you let them tread over you, then you'll never be truly part of the group.

• Do realize that being popular has its downsides. If you wish to be left alone, stick with being part of smaller groups, but who knows? Maybe you will find the far reaches of popularity your kind of thing.

• If the popular people at your school do the wrong things, such as smoking, alcohol, or drugs, you'll be better off to not be popular at all. You cannot change these people, and they'll resent you if you try. You'll only make yourself miserable by getting yourself into a vicious cycle, and you can get in deep trouble just for hanging around them.

• Popularity can really change a person on the inside, so don't let it change you.

• Popularity can come back to bite you in the butt. For example, if you treat someone the way people treated you, you can look like a bully.

• Popularity is not everything. If being popular means not being yourself, then why bother? It's hard to live a lie.

• Popularity has many faces, you could be popular for that "something" about you. Don't fuss too much about this issue because you might either be poppular now or later onwards in life.

• Popularity is like light of the Sun. It is like fragrance of a flower. Hence it is important to be Sun or flower rather than getting enamoured by popularity. Explore your true self and assert it. The popularity would follow. This would make you happy and dignified.

• Running after popularity can sometimes make you popular. But since you keep craving for it, you get addicted to it and become dependent on it. So you are a parasitic creature inside, even if you are popular and helpless and miserable inside, when you are not popular!

How to Be Irresistible to Women

Do you want the cool girls to start looking in your direction? Do you have your eye on someone that you would really love to attract in all the right ways? Well, this guide is written by a girl for all you boys out there.


1. Do not play hard to get. A girl always rises to a challenge but if she thinks it is too much, she will probably invest her time in something (and someone) more worthwhile.

2. Find out what a girl likes by trying to work it into the conversation and then go out and buy the spray of cologne. It will drive her crazy. Just make sure that you do not use too much; a little bit is good but over-applying makes her want to run away.

3. Tell good jokes but do not try too hard. Experiment; find out what makes other people laugh and see if she reacts the same. Even if it does not make her giggle, you will be one step closer to learning how to make her laugh.

4. Compliment a girl the right way. Watch closely when you are around her. You can probably tell from, for example, how romantic and sappy she is, say on Valentine's Day, or is she adorns her folders with cute animals and hearts. If she does, she probably like it if people are sappy to her. In this case, lay on the compliment, but do not get too overboard. If you find out that she does not do any of these things, she might find it strange, creepy and intimidating if you compliment her too much. Keep the compliments subtle but nice and compliment her one feature that she would not think you would notice.

5. Smile. The best thing that boys can do is smile. It helps if you have a nice smile and she definitely will love it to see you smile and see that you know how to lighten up and put a cheer on you face. Be happy, though, do not take life too seriously and show her that you can laugh and you are exciting.

6. Always be there for her…but when she needs you to be. Do not totally stalk her and listen to all of her conversations but when she looks upset or sad, gently ask her if she is okay and try to help her cheer up. Try and use some of the techniques from Step Three to make her laugh. She will like you so much more if she knows that you are always on hand with a big smile and a caring heart.

7. Be daring. Most girls do not like boys who always live by the rules; going to bed at nine o’ clock PM and studying like crazy. They also do not like boys who only talk about computers and math. If you are guilty of any of these things, change your ways or find a different girl. Do not just talk; listen and when it is your turn to talk, be interesting. Do not be boring; be exciting and different.

8. Be social. Do not let her think that if she stops talking to you that will be the end of the world. This sounds kind of bad but do not just stick to her. Live freely. Do not let her think that you are completely stuck on her, even if you are. If she sees you flirting with other girls, she will want you more but she might write you off as a lost cause if you look like a complete player.

9. Be sweet. On valentines day, get her a little teeny gift or a card or something. Don't worry, she won't embarrass you if she doesn't like you back.


• Personal hygiene is a must. Do not be disgusting, do not smell like a skunk, and do not have hair like a chimp, and keep your fingernails clean.

• Do not be too loud or too proud. If you love yourself and you do not let anyone else be number one for a while, people are soon going to start avoiding you.

• Be friendly; remember all the things that adults and other people have ever told you about how to treat girls and having manners.

• Be nice to all girls, DONT FLIRT WITH ANYONE BUT HER!!!, but be nice and courteous. You never know what might get back to her.

• Try to give her few surprises girls just love surprise.(that doesn't mean buying her lots of things!)

• when you see her make sure to greet her with a smile before you say anything. that makes her
comfortable and welcomed.


• Do not be a “typical boy” around girls. Sure, the boys may think that passing wind is funny and the boys may think that pulling girls’ hair is funny but be respectful in front of her. Girls just think these kinds of things are childish and annoying. Be different from all those immature idiots and show her that you can be mature.

• Do not be rude or dirty; some girls may think dirty comment are funny and flirty but most girls find them creepy and wrong. Do not bother if you ever want to get a girlfriend.

• Do not be the geek in the corner with no friends. Attract the right attention instead of looking like the person no one wants.

• Some girls are just as shallow and immature as some boys. For them, some of these games will
probably work. The problem is, as soon as this game is over, you have nothing left but to start nother game with someone else.

• Remember, there is a huge difference between “being popular” and “being loved”. Most really popular kids are not really happy about it. They hate being constantly used by others to look more popular themselves. What is good advice for people to feel popular because they have a bunch of (even more) insecure people hanging onto them is not good advice for someone looking for a great and longlasting relationship with another person.

• Remember that real relationships are complex things with stuff happening on different levels all at the same time.

• DON'T BE OVER CONFIDENT- it always makes you do lots of complimenting and talking...about yourself.

• don't brag about yourself(if there is something to brag about). it always makes you seem attention seeking and typical.

How to Be a Hot Guy

If you would like to be more attractive to prospective partners, then this article can help you reduce your more repulsive aspects. Remember though, that feeling good about yourself is not about how you look on the outside; a health mental disposition and a sound mind can help you to build your confidence and feel good about yourself.


1. Do 25 sit-ups (or however many you wish) in the morning and the same activity repeated in the evening, about an hour before going to bed.Face it, a fit body- whether thin but taut or really large and muscular- is almost always attractive.

2. Do weight-training for the arms. Start slowly. No need to overdo everything the first time.

3. Drink 8 glasses of water a day, to keep healthy and hydrated. Water is good for the body and for the skin.

4. Shave. Most guys look better without facial hair than with. However, if you can grow even facial hair, let it grow out for a day or so...girls love the 5 o'clock shadow. However, don't let it grow into a beard.

• Remember your grade. Most girls in junior high school think it's weird. If you tell them you shave then they will just smile and roll their eyes, thinking that you're a showoff.

1. Take care of your hair. Make sure it's a cool and clean haircut, keep your hair in the range that it looks clean and attractive. Hair that is too long can cause pimples. Don't use too much gel in your hair! Hair that looks effortlessly cool- such as styles that look a bit untidy(use wax)- are always attractive.Observe other male haircuts and magazines,to see what you think would look good on you. But greasy, dirty hair is never good looking- you only want to give the impression of looking slightly unkempt.

2. Eat fruits and vegetables. Avoid junk food.

3. While you're watching your diet, learn how to cook at least 3 fantastic meals -- no better way to show off your hot body than in an apron (and nothing else)! And no better way to a woman's heart than through a home cooked meal prepared by a hot guy. While this is nice, I believe the other editor for this article was a man (had to be). Hot homemade meals are great, but every guy in the world has three great meals he can make. Girls know this. Its nice, but not impressive because we know you can only make a couple of things well and that you're just doing this to impress us. We know. You can't hide the cabinets of mac and cheese and ramen noodles. If you really want to impress a girl make a substantial effort to get to know her...not just the facts but the actual person. Show her that you value her in ways that make a point of her unique qualities...that is, be personal.

Learn to play a musical instrument. Girls love guys who can play a musical instrument well.

Electric or acoustic guitar is perfect!

1. Make sure you are tan. Girls think guys with color are hotter, but DO NOT get a fake tan. We can tell. You should have a light "farmers tan" from being active outside in the summer that fades away in the winter. We know when you're tanning and there is nothing LESS attractive!

2. Do intense exercise at least 3x's a week with moderate ones on the days you don't. Make sure you can lift the weight of the girl you'd like to date. Nothing is sexier than a man who can pick his woman up with ease and not gasp or fall off balance.

3. Wash your face every morning, and evening, and if you have acne, use an acne wash. Your best bet for acne is a Salicylic acid cleansing pads AND a benzyl peroxide creme. Use both. • Girls mostly only go for clean faced guys. Clear it up and keep it that way!

1. Since you exercise practically everyday, shower every day, and use a manly body wash and use some quality shampoo. Don't forget deodorant!

2. To be a hot guy, you need to have hot personality to match. Be sure to treat women nicely--this means NO hitting or abuse, ever!! Do not use derogatory language. Remember, this isn't just impressive--as a gentleman, it's mandatory. Yet, certain women may swear themselves and may not care that you swear. Also, don't ever say rude or mean remarks to a girl! Don't laugh at her if she is embarrassed, don't make fun of her if she isn't laughing at herself! Be kind! THAT is attractive!

3. Smile! An honest, sincere smile with a sense of humor to match is one of the hottest attributes a hot guy can have... nothing spoils overall hotness more than taking yourself too seriously. (All girls agree.) You cannot smile enough.

4. Remember, you AREN'T God's gift to women. Acknowledge your flaws if they come up in conversation, realize that you aren't perfect and you will be so much more interesting to girls!!


When showering, scrub every inch of your body. This includes the neck area, behind the ears, armpits, elbows, back, bellybutton, knees, and between the toes. But remember, once again, every body is a different body. So if you have dry skin, use a soap with some moisture in it. If you're really greasy, try something for a greasier person etc.

• Clip the nails on your hands and feet. Keep them clean. (You don't have to do the manicure thing if you don't want to, but keep your nails clean and trim. Nails are easier to keep clean when they're short.

• If you have dry skin , invest in moisturising lotion, and use it after your shower to keep your skin smooth.

• Above all, remember to be yourself. You don't have to follow this guide to the T. If you are not athletic, don't force yourself to workout. After all, girls like all types of boys.

• Probably the hottest thing anyone can do to improve their appeal, whether girl or boy, is become genuinely confident. That easy sense of your own appeal, that swagger, is one of the most sexy qualities of a guy. If you think you're hot and take good basic care of yourself, I'll think you're hot, too.

• Make sure you smell sweet or sexy. Both are perfect.

• Axe is generally a bad idea. decent flavors, when used sparingly, include voodoo and kilo.


• Stay on the side of caution. The more naturally attractive a guy is (and this is generally based on the plain symmetry of his face), the more he can get away with being edgy with his look. Brad Pitt can have dirty fingernails, five days' stubble, greasy long hair, and even wear a dress like he did for the cover of Rolling Stone and pull off sexy. Are you that hot? Be honest with yourself. Clean shaven and
clean cut are classics. If you don't have the hot to pull off unconventional looks, stick to classics. Otherwise you will be the nice guy who should freaking shave more often.

• Don't wear too much hair gel (hair wax, which has no sheen and looks more natural, is a great option); too much gel is a major turn-off. And avoid the strong cologne(one spritz is fine). Many guys can get away with being hot without all the major products. You just need to take care of yourself. And try to act mature. Immature guys aren't hot at all: they're just annoying. That said, be yourself. This may sound corny but girls really do like guys who can be confident in themselves.

• Don't stare at a girls' boobs, or at all. If she catches you, say something to calm her down. Tell heryou were thinking about how beautiful she is.

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